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About this website

In 1989 when I was 15, my little brother started collecting baseball cards. Naturally, I thought that was stupid.


But after a while I found myself getting into it too. We didn't have much money, so I had to narrow down what I could collect. After a while I decided to just focus on my favorite players, Dave Parker, Ramon Martinez, and Roberto Alomar. But as the number of cards started to proliferate in the early 1990's, I decided to just collect one player. So I went with my favorite at the time, Robbie Alomar. When he got traded to the Blue Jays, and started winning world series, I was totally hooked. It was a fun team to follow and he was their best player.


I kept adding to the collection during college, but around 1996 I started to lose interest. With the sheer volume and prices of cards being released, it was impossible for me to keep up. I also moved out of state for grad school. Over the years I ended up getting rid of all my other cards, but I kept that Alomar collection. I'd pull out the shoebox now and then and remember how much fun I had putting it together back in the day. But mostly it sat in the closet.


Fast forward to fall 2014. I was sitting at home one night and decided to thumb through the old collection. It occurred to me that maybe, just for fun, I could search for a few of those rare cards which had always eluded me. After all, we had the internet now. So I got on ebay, and before long I was hooked again. It was overwhelming to see how the hobby had changed. The massive numbers of cards that had been printed over the years, and the crazy prices some of them commanded, blew me away. Jersey cards? On card autographs? One of ones?!? Oh, and Alomar had been elected to the HOF in 2011? He had also gotten in some incidents along the way, and his reputation had suffered. All of this...who knew?


But the bug had bit again. So I started assembling a master checklist of every card issued, and began adding to the collection once more. And it has become as much a labor of love as it was before. It's also become a place where I can focus my closeted OCD tendencies. Searching for cards, identifying long lost issues and variations, sorting, cataloging, scanning, I enjoy all that stuff.


And after finally finishing the scanning project I started in the early days of covid, I decided to put them online. Yes, it's definitely a vanity project, but what the hell. I'm not adding to the collection as rapidly as I used to, because cards I need now are either extremely rare, extremely expensive, or both. Gotta do something to feed that OCD.


And of course if you happen to own any cards that I don't have, especially those on my Most Wanted list, let me know!


Thanks for getting in touch

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